How to protect sensitive data from loss and copying? - safesqr | we make your cybersec


Since the introduction of the GPDR, data protection has become one of the key elements of any organization’s operations. Failure to properly maintain security measures can lead to a fine from the Data Protection Authority. The record fine was almost 5 million PLN*. Financial and image losses, in turn, are capable of undermining the stability of the organization, contributing to the termination of cooperation with customers, and, consequently, to the closure of the business.

A successful cyber attack is capable of leading to a leak. In this case, how to protect sensitive data from loss and copying? In order to adequately address the challenges, it is first necessary to distinguish the elements by which an organization is particularly vulnerable to cybercriminal activity.

  • Failure to protect particularly sensitive data and files.
  • Lack of employee control over taking sensitive files outside.
  • Lack of control over the distribution of files with confidential classification.
  • Lack of knowledge and tools on how to secure company documents while working with private devices.


In order to find the right solution, certain requirements must be met. First and foremost, the tool should ensure that critical data is protected from discovery, both intentional, resulting from the launch of a cyberattack on the organization’s infrastructure, and from an employee’s attempt to carry the data on a flash drive for use on a private device. The unification of privacy policies is also key in this case.

Full visibility and control over processed information are also important considerations. This primarily concerns the ability to scan endpoints and files shared over the network, as well as other repositories that may contain sensitive information.

Such requirements can be addressed by DLP-class tools – Data Loss Prevention. An example of such a solution is Symantec Data Loss Prevention, for which Broadcom is responsible.



By using a DLP-class solution, a business is protected against the leakage of key company information by encrypting data in a way that makes it impossible to read it outside the organization's structure. When there is an attempt to send a file with a confidential classification, the tools automatically identify such activity, and data transmission is immediately interrupted and blocked.

DLP solutions also identify and monitor the organization's highest-risk endpoints - also in the context of the user's activities, including how they use the data.

With such comprehensive information, with the help of a DLP-class tool, a company is able to protect sensitive data from loss and copying. This minimizes the chances of any kind of image losses and errors that could lead to criminal liability, allowing your business to grow safely.

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